
Brookside Solar Farm

Chateaugay, Franklin County, New York

Project Information

ANS Geo managed a geotechnical portfolio of six (6) projects, each over 100 MW in capacity, encompassing a cumulative geotechnical program including approximately 300 soil borings, 80 electrical resistivity tests, and 580 pile load tests within the hetergenenous till geology of northern and western New York.

Prior to pile load testing, air rotary pre-drilling of bedrock and/or shallow boulders was completed within three (3) of the project sites and implemented within the testing program and foundation post design.

ANS Geo prepared a recommendations report for each aspect of the completed investigation including L-Pile design parameters for solar panel foundation post installation, foundations recommendations for substation and inverter pads, and roadway design parameters.   All six projects were completed, and report delivered, within 3 months from NTP using three simultaneous crews.