
Sugar Maple Solar Energy Generation

Lewis County, New York

Project Information

To guide the design and construction of the proposed solar facility, ANS Geo obtained by Client to developed and implemented a geotechnical investigation program, which encompassed a desktop study of local geologic conditions, soil borings, field electrical resistivity testing, pile load testing, laboratory thermal resistivity and corrosion testing, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and laboratory soil material testing.

ANS Geo, Inc. retained local drilling subcontractor to advance 64 soil borings up to 20 feet below ground surface or refusal, whichever occurs first, throughout the project site. Five additional boring was advanced into bedrock via rock coring methods to confirm the presence, type, and quality of bedrock.

Soil borings, proposed by ANS Geo and confirmed by Client’s review, were located at relatively evenly spread locations throughout the project’s array area(s). All soil borings were overseen and logged by an ANS Geo representative under the direction of a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of New York. As part of our field investigation program, ANS Geo performed field Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) testing at seven (7) locations within the proposed array area(s).

ANS Geo also installed W6x9 steel piles and conducted load tests at 59 paired pile locations (118 total piles). Each pile was installed to an embedment depth of 5.1 to 10.8 feet below existing grade using a GAYK HRE 4000 Pile Driver. For locations that encountered shallow bedrock during the soil boring phase, 10-foot holes were predrilled into the rock to allow for pile installation.

After 72-hours from pile installation, uplift and lateral load tests were performed on each pile. Uplift load testing was performed first and then the lateral load testing afterwards. Once the load tests were completed, piles were removed, and the bottoms of the piles were observed for pile flaring.

Load testing program was overseen and logged by an ANS Geo geotechnical representative under the direction of a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of New York. The subsurface investigation and pile load test results were compiled and provided in a Geotechnical Recommendations Report to the Client along with foundation considerations and construction recommendations.